
A real translation is transparent; it does not cover the original, does not block its light, but allows the pure language 翻譯公司 as though reinforced by its own medium, to shine upon the original all the more fully. This may be achieved, above all 翻譯公司 by a literal rendering of the syntax which proves words rather than sentences to be the primary element of the translator. For if the sentence is the 'wall before the language of the original, literalness is the arcade.

即使所有的輪廓內容都被捕捉和傳遞,一個真正 翻譯譯作者最關心的東西依然是難於掌控的。這類工具與原作的字句分歧,它是不行譯的,因為內容和語言之間 翻譯關係在原作和譯作裡頗為分歧。在原作中,內容和說話像果實和果皮一樣連系成一體,但翻譯說話卻像一件皇袍一樣包裹著原作,上面盡是皺褶。

在分析的終端我們會看到,一切生命的有目標 翻譯出現,包括其目 翻譯性自己,其目標都不在於生命本身,而在於表達本身的素質,在於對本身意義的再現 翻譯社而譯作在終極意義上正辦事於這一目標,因為它顯露出不同說話之間 翻譯相當主要 翻譯互補關係 翻譯社

Translations that are more than transmissions of subject matter come into being when in the course of its survival a work has reached the age of its fame. Contrary, therefore, to the claims of bad translators, such translations do not so much serve the work as owe their existence to it. The life of the originals attains in them to its ever-renewed latest and most abundant flowering.

Translatability is an essential quality of certain works, which is not to say that it is essential that they be translated; it means rather that a specific significance inherent in the original manifests itself in its translatability. It is plausible that no translation, however good it may be 翻譯公司 can have any significance as regards the original. 翻譯公司 Yet, by virtue of its translatability the original is closely connected with the translation; in fact, this connection is all the closer since it is no longer of importance to the original. We may call this connection a natural one, or 翻譯公司 more specifically 翻譯公司 a vital connection. Just as the manifestations of life are intimately connected with the phenomenon of life without being of importance to it, a translation issues from the original-not so much from its life as from its afterlife. For a translation comes later than the original, and since the important works of world literature never find their chosen translators at the time of their origin, their translation marks their stage of continued life. The idea of life and afterlife in works of art should be regarded with an entirely unmetaphorical objectivity.